  • Stretch forming machine
  • Stretch forming machine
  • Stretch forming machine
  • Stretch forming machine
  • Stretch forming machine
  • Stretch forming machine
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    Stretch forming machine

    Technical Paraleters:

    1.Pull Bending radius
       Min pull bending radius:aluminum profile(R outside-R inside)/R out≤8%
                         stainless steel profile(R outside-R inside)/R out≤30%
    Max pull bending radius is not limit
    2.Pull bending circle radius tolerance:
       Radius less than 1m, length error per meter less ±1mm
       Radius more than 1m, length error per meter less±2mm

    Max tension force:40T
    Work power:180k/c
    Max arc length:6.7m
    Min bending radius:0.5m
    Max section:200*200mm
    Finished max angle 180
    Work plate: length*wide=(0.8+1.2+2.4+1.2+0.8)*1.8m2
    Power: 2 x 7.5kw

    Stretch forming machineStretch forming machineStretch forming machineStretch forming machineStretch forming machineStretch forming machineStretch forming machine

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